Diagonal Rib Pattern

Image from: https://www.dummies.com/article/home-auto-hobbies/crafts/knitting-crocheting/how-to-knit-diagonal-ribbing-197582/

This stitch pattern is incredibly similar to the long raindrops pattern from my last post. It’s not my personal favorite, but I know a few people who swear by it. I do enjoy how simple this pattern is because it makes it easy for any beginner to try it out.

Check out my latest post here!

First Step: Choose Your Dimensions

Like any other project, you will need to plan your dimensions ahead of time. This pattern requires you to cast on in multiples of four, so keep that in mind when planning the width of your project. This pattern works in groups of eight rows, so account for that when planning the length of your project. Remember to account for your needle and yarn size when planning your dimensions!

Second Step: Cast On!

You’ll want to cast on normally, as you would any other project. Make sure to count your stitches as you cast on so you can get your desired project width and complete the stitch pattern effectively. Remember that this pattern requires you to cast on in multiples of four!

Third Step: Familiarize Yourself With the Pattern & Get Started!

This image was taken from Pinterest. You’ll want to cast on your first row normally before starting the pattern. This will ensure that you have a solidified base to work from. For the first and second rows, you will want to knit two, purl two until you reach the end of the row. For the third row, you will knit one, purl two, knit one. You’ll want to follow this pattern if you are using straight needles. If you are using round needles, you will follow the pattern on the right. Keep in mind that K = knit and P = purl. Remember that stitch markers are your best friend when it comes to following patterns! They truly help you to keep track of where you are and where you left off.

This isn’t my favorite pattern, as I feel it has a weird look for hats and mittens. I do think this could be a fun pattern to use for long, flat projects like blankets and scarves! Lastly, you can find this pattern on multiple different sites, including the one I have listed below. The pattern can be done a few different ways, so don’t feel confused or discouraged if one site explains the pattern differently. All that will change is the width of your diagonal section!

Additional Help:


StudioKnit is my favorite YouTube channel for knitting tutorials!